Rick Gentry

Staying Healthy on the Road: Tips for Travelers



Although traveling can be exciting, it often disrupts routines that would otherwise support your health. The complications of jet lag and the quality of food can make it hard to stay healthy while on the go. Here are practical tips to help travelers maintain their well-being while away from home.

1. Hydrate Yourself

One of the easiest ways to stay healthy while traveling is by staying properly hydrated. Flying dehydrates the body, so drink water before, during, and after your flight. Bring a refillable water bottle and keep it filled throughout the day. Herbal teas or electrolyte-enhanced drinks can also help maintain hydration, especially after long flights or days spent under the sun.

2. Pack Healthy Snacks

Airport food, roadside diners, and vending machines rarely offer healthy options. Balance your intake with healthy snacks, such as nuts, dried fruits, protein bars, or whole grain crackers. These snacks provide nutrients without added sugar and unhealthy fats, helping to keep your energy levels stable and preventing impulsive spending on junk food.

3. Stick to a Sleep Schedule

Jet lag, long travel days, and unfamiliar environments can easily disrupt your sleep. While it may be tempting to pack in every minute of your trip, rest is essential for your health. Bring a sleep mask and earplugs for planes or trains to help you get some rest. If crossing time zones, adjust your sleep schedule gradually beforehand. Maintaining a regular bedtime and creating a sleep-friendly environment can make it easier for your body to adapt.

4. Include Exercise

Staying active while traveling helps maintain essential body functions. Walking is a simple way to explore a new destination and stay physically active. If your accommodation has a gym or pool, use them. Alternatively, you can do simple stretches, yoga, or bodyweight exercises in your room. There are apps and online videos that offer 10- to 15-minute workouts to refresh your body and mind.

5. Be Mindful of What You Eat

One of the joys of traveling is sampling local cuisine, but overindulging—especially with unfamiliar foods—can upset your stomach. Balance rich meals with lighter options when possible. Choose fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. If you’re traveling to a region with questionable food safety, avoid raw vegetables, street food, and tap water. Opt for bottled water instead.

6. Practice Good Hygiene

Traveling exposes you to new environments and germs. Carry hand sanitizer and wash your hands frequently, especially before eating. Avoid touching your face, and bring disinfecting wipes to clean high-contact surfaces like airplane tray tables and hotel remotes. These small steps can go a long way in preventing illness.

By following these simple tips, you can stay healthy and energized while traveling. Plan ahead, pack healthy snacks, stay hydrated, and make time for sleep and exercise. Safe travels!